Gastritis is a common name for a wide range of inflammation issues of the inner lining of the stomach, also known as the gastric mucosa. Symptoms of gastritis include spasms, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and blood in the stool.
Ayurveda has proven to have the most effective treatment for Severe Gastritis.
There are many causes of gastritis. It can be prompted by food poisoning, liquor consumption, medications like aspirin and steroids, food sensitivity, and stress. It may also be caused by viral infections, bile reflux, or helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that lives in the mucous lining of the stomach.
In Ayurveda, gastritis is an “urdhvaga amlapitta roga,” which is the aggravation of the metabolic disorder or “pitta dosha.” Poor dietary habits can affect the fire in the stomach, increasing toxins or acid and secreting more digestive enzymes. Herbal and ayurvedic medicine (like ginger) can bring balance to the digestive system and aid in the treatment of gastritis.
Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Gastritis
– Asparagus (asparagus racemosus) is known to be an antispasmodic. It decreases the fire in the stomach. The base of the asparagus is powerful in reducing the hyperacidity of the stomach-related system.
– Bitter Chamomile (matricaria chamomilla) in the form of a tea is compelling in allaying gastritis that is caused by tension and stress.
– Cardamom (elattaria cardamomum) has cooling effects that can alleviate acid and heartburn.
– Fennel (fenneliculum vulgare) is traditionally used by Indians as a stomach stabilizer. After every meal, there is a tradition of chewing a few seeds of fennel. Fennel soothes the stomach, encourages digestion, and reduces flatulence.
– Ginger (zingiber officinale), especially in concentrated form, is successful in treating the corrosive dyspepsia that is associated with gastritis. It is particularly valuable for people who consume non-vegetarian foods to a greater degree.
– Indian Gooseberry (emblica officinalis), or amla, is extremely useful in the treatment of a few stomach infirmities, gastritis included. It is also utilized for dyspepsia, burning sensation, anorexia, vomiting, and discharge.
– Licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra) base can soothe the inflammation and the injury to the stomach. It is likewise known to lessen the proliferation of Helicobacter pylori.
– Rhubarb (rheum emodi) is a mellow specialist; so it is successfully utilized in treating gastritis problems in youngsters. It can diminish the aridity in the stomach.
– Sandalwood (santalum album) helps in gastritis since it has cooling properties. It can soothe the stomach muscles inflamed by gastritis.
Dietary Treatments for Gastritis
Adhering to a diet designed to quell gastritis can be beneficial. Following are a few common dietary treatments that can help.
- Only rice that has been matured for one year must be utilized. Wheat and grain are helpful.
- Among vegetables white pumpkin, severe gourd, cucumber, green banana, and banana bloom are compelling.
- Cow’s drain is desirable over bison’s drain.
- People suffering from gastritis must not confuse their stomach glands with different kinds of foods in the meantime. It is useful if the person is kept on a single diet. In a perfect world the person must be kept on a drain diet or on a diet of old rice.
- Vitamin C has the ability to help in the absorption of iron and calcium salts in the body. This facilitates the stomach related process. Therefore, the diet must be sufficient in vitamin C. Foods that contain vitamin C to a praiseworthy quantity are amlas, oranges, and so forth.
- Pungent and acrid tastes must be dodged. Indeed, even chocolates, tea, and coffee must be kept away from as these can increase the acidic content in the stomach.
- The person should never eat until the stomach is full. With gastritis it is smarter to eat small quantities each time, with the goal that the stomach has legitimate time to process the food.
- Sesame seeds and curds must be kept away from.
- Avoid drinking alcohol.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gastritis
Amalaki churna or triphala churna is given in a dosage of three grams thrice daily for seven days.
If there is constipation along with gastritis, then avipattikar churna is taken as the medicine of decision.
There is a rundown of other Ayurvedic preparations that are valuable in the treatment of gastritis. These include dhatri loha, sukumara ghrita, sootashekhar rasa and kamadudha rasa.
Home Medications
- Take one teaspoonful of licorice root powder and blend it with unadulterated ghee and honey. Take this twice every day on an unfilled stomach.
- Have a banana early in the morning. Suffocate them with drain. This decreases the corrosiveness within the stomach in some days.
edited by Maria Pietromonaco