Teeth gaps can make one easily conscious of their appearance. People who take their looks seriously want to find a permanent solution to it soonest. Teeth gaps are also termed diastema in medical language. They might be hereditary or may be caused due to some other reasons. We will focus on the common causes of teeth gaps and the best ways to deal with them in the coming sections.
Some children are born with gaps in their teeth (commonly observed in the first two front teeth). Although they are considered harmless, they spoil your appearance (unless you prefer to look different from the crowd, you may leave them as it is).
So, what causes such gaps in your teeth? And more importantly, what are the best ways to treat them? Peruse the coming sections to get answers to your queries.
Causes of Teeth Gap (Diastema)
It is important to remember that numerous factors might contribute to diastema.
- As mentioned earlier, teeth gaps can be hereditary. As per orthodontics Sydney, most orthodontic problems, including diastema, are inherited.
- It might run in the family, so people sometimes suffer from diastema.
- The size of your jawbone and teeth is out of sync, so that they might show gaps. If your teeth are smaller than the jawbone, you can have diastema.
- Sometimes overgrowth of the tissue bordering the upper front teeth and gum line can cause separation between teeth. It can lead to diastema.
- Infants who develop the habit of sucking their thumbs are at risk of developing gaps within the teeth since it puts pressure on the front teeth.
- Various gum infections can also cause diastema. If the infection causes inflammation, it will damage the gums and tissues, which will weaken the teeth support. This causes diastema. If you observe symptoms such as bone loss, bleeding gums, or swelling in gums, it might be a sign of infection.
Best Ways to Treat Teeth Gaps
There are certain home measures you can take to prevent the development of diastema. However, sometimes, teeth gaps may still appear due to negligence or heredity. It would be best to visit an orthodontist to get proper treatment if that happens. Here are the best ways and options to treat the gaps in the teeth:
#1: Braces
Braces are a cost-efficient, convenient, and reliable way to close gaps between teeth. When you visit your orthodontist, they would suggest the type of brace best suited for you. The suggestion would depend on the diagnosis of the practitioner.
#2: Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is considered a simple and quick way to close a gap in your teeth where a resin is used to fill the gap. The main advantage of bonding is that it can typically be completed in a single sitting.
#3: Veneers
Veneers can be used to close gaps between your teeth in specific circumstances. They are considered to be extremely durable and long-lasting. Veneers are permanently attached to your teeth. They can restore the protection previously provided by the enamel that has been removed.