TURBOTVILLE, Pa. — Brightly colored graphics cover the walls at Warrior Run Elementary School near Turbotville. The uplifting messages feature the district’s mascot and promote physical and emotional health.
“We’re just basically encouraging positive physical and mental health habits, and we’re building that foundation very early on with these kids so they can take this into adulthood,” said Bethany Cole, a Geisinger community engagement strategist.
The program is called ZING543210, a collaboration between Geisinger and Warrior Run Elementary School.
It’s a behavioral health and chronic disease prevention initiative that Geisinger has used for some time, but this is the first time it’s been used in a school. It was unveiled last month.
“In this day and age with trying to make sure kids have the correct health needs that we do, that we are in partnership with a health care system, the schools and with our families,” said Warrior Run Elementary Principal Michael Freeborn.
ZING543210 stands for Amazing, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 4 positive affirmations, 3 belly laughs, 2 hours or less of recreational screen time, 1 hour of outdoor play, and 0 sugary beverages.
“Our goal with Zing was to be very easy to understand and effective. So, we’re encouraging them to aim for these goals every day,” Cole said.
Students seem to enjoy the positive messages.
“It can help you be healthy. It can help you not drink sugary drinks. It can help you have your mind be stronger, be smarter,” said second grader Samantha Marshall.
“I noticed that we can be healthy from it, that it helps us know that we are allowed to be active, and other stuff like that,” third grader Sherry Jones said.
Geisinger has no plans to bring the program to other schools but says it could in the future, depending on how this partnership goes.